University of California San Francisco

The Public Health Model for Violence Prevention

The Public Health Model for Violence Prevention

The complexity of violence-related injuries requires a comprehensive approach to solutions, therefore, a public health model is used.

There are four key components to the public health model:

1) Defining the problem and utilizing surveillance to understand trends

2) Identification of potential causes through a thorough analysis of risk and protective factors

3) Designing, developing and evaluating intervention strategies

4) Exportation of successful and generalizable programs.

Our Case Managers see victims of interpersonal or youth violence while they are recovering from physical injury. They assess patients and enroll those deemed high risk for repeat injury or incarceration into the program. This classification is based on documented risk factors for recidivism such as: substance abuse, physical aggression/school fights, low socioeconomic status/poverty, mental illness or post traumatic stress, antisocial parents, ties to antisocial peers or gangs, involvement in criminal acts, and poor education.